We thrive in Community. We actually need it in order to evolve. This is a community of soul seekers. A community where you are completely accepted as you are and invited to go deeper.
We know that yoga is more than physical shapes we come into for an hour each day. Yoga is a lifestyle; it’s is a path and a process towards Self realization, and eventually God. We hope to share the deeper teachings of yoga in a way that is practical and easily applied. Strength and flexibility are wonderful, though without tapping into the deeper realms of the soul, we won’t find a happiness that lasts beyond the inevitable changing circumstances.
Happiness. It’s what we’re really looking for.
Wellness: mind/body/soul
If our body is strong but our mind is weak, we wont be experiencing happiness. If our body and mind are strong, but we don’t have a connection to our true purpose, we won’t feel satisfied. Total wellness must encompass wellness in the body, steadiness in the mind, and a connection to the deeper current of the soul.
At Stanton Street Yoga, we understand that Yoga is way more that a mere practice we step on a yoga mat for each day, Yoga is a lifestyle; a way of living that attunes our body and mind so that we can access the deeper realms of reality, our deepest purpose and fulfillment, and ultimately cultivate a relationship to that which is Eternal in this world that is defined by transformation and change. We offer Vinyasa based Yoga classes of all levels along with other various specialty yoga classes, workshops, retreats and trainings.
We are located beneath the Sanctuary NYC Retreats, an intimate and beautifully designed Bed & Breakfast.
By attending classes and workshops with us, you are supporting community outreach throughout the world >>> a portion of your payment will always go to a program that aims to give back! Some of these programs include Food For Life, Sandipani Muni School, Care For Cows, and Festival of India.
Here in NYC, we are proud to be such a big part of Food for Life at Tompkins Square Park, a program which helps distribute pure vegetarian food to the homeless of NYC. We distribute three times weekly at lunchtime in Tompkins Square Park in the East Village and support this program by directly donating a portion of our studio’s income to Food For Life.
As we transforms ourselves, we transform the world. Thank you again and again for your contribution to our greater family!